Friday, August 7, 2015

Prescott Co. Takeover 2015!

2015 is the year for Prescott! Recently we attended the Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) and we are more motivated now than we ever have been. During the conference we did multiple team building activities and heard great words of encouragement from multiple inspiring and successful people.

Prescott attends these conferences twice a year to keep our minds on track and focused on our goals that we set and work towards daily! Below is a link to the video that wraps up the experience that we had at the ELC so check it out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Prescott Co. Is Hiring!

Are you looking to start a career or have you had another rough day at work? And as you're talking about you job or about the fact you are feeling lost in the career path that you are in, your friends and family keep asking you , "What is it that you want to do?" really makes you evaluate yourself, where you are at, and where you want to be.

Choosing a new career that maybe completely different than what you have now or just to make a minor shift can seem almost impossible. Fortunately for you nowadays there are so many options out there. Sometimes when looking for something new, we believe we may not be qualified enough or maybe too qualified for certain jobs. Sometimes people are too worried about their current position that they are not thinking about taking action.

So go ahead and take the first step toward 
planning your dream career.
Prescott is always looking for new people who are ready to build their careers, so join our team by submitting your resume to and Human Resource will review your qualifications.

Prescott Co. Partners with Soles4Souls

Prescott Co.  is still proudly participating in the charity Soles 4 Souls! 

Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty through the distribution of shoes and clothing.

Through the collection and sale of used (and new) clothing and shoes, Soles4Souls helps create self-sustaining jobs that generate desperately needed revenues throughout those communities. The sale of footwear and apparel to support micro-jobs also provides the majority of funding to sustain Soles4Souls operations and further expand its donations of new shoes and clothing.

If you would like to donate or make a difference in some ones life- contact us TODAY to learn how!! 

The video below really hits home. Watch it and become inspired!

Prescott Co. Gives Back

Prescott Co.  and their offices have been celebrating and giving back to the community. “We believe giving back to charities is one of the most important things to do.” said  Malachi Rountree, President and CEO of Prescott. Co..In our Louisville office we have been working with the Boys and Girls Club, volunteering our time in classrooms– decorating lockers, painting, and helping to build new coat racks and shelves. Jamie McCray, the Recruiting Manager said, “There’s nothing better than being able to work directly with the children, knowing that you are making an impact on their lives is amazing.” 

Through out the months, we adopt several families to buy gifts every year for the holiday season to provide them with everything from basic essentials like coats, gloves, and shoes, to buying stuffed animals, toy trucks, and Barbie dolls. The Director of our  office, stated, “I look forward to this every year. Kids have always been a cause that weighs heavy on my heart and we make sure that we do all that we can to provide for less-fortunate families.”

Prescott is always looking for new charities to donate to. If you have a charity that you would like us to work with, email our events team at to provide us information.

Prescott Co. Proves Leadership is Contagious

Leadership is contagious. What is modeled by leaders is mimicked by others. As you build strong leadership habits, rather than thinking what could you do first, consider the effects of what you do last.

Leaders Battle Last

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle” 

Leaders navigate through conflicts and trials as though no problems took place. They have to develop a big picture attitude. They see problems on the horizon and handle them well before they hit the shore and do any damage. They prefer solution over problem. 
Leaders don’t focus on where things are currently at, but where things will be heading. You may need to change the course you are going. 

Leaders Speak Last
They allow others to give their opinion. They listen, understand, and acknowledge all t hat is said. Leaders don’t just take everything on board, the assess and weigh all opinions. Then, they speak last after they tie everything together. Leaders know they can learn from anyone, but they excel in making the right decisions with the best opinions. They are not a dictator nor holding a democracy, good leaders have a perfect balance. 

Leaders Celebrate Last
The old sayings will never die; nothing is over till the fat lady sings. Leaders don’t take the pedal off the metal until they've truly crossed the finish line. Leaders see things through a panoramic lens. 

A sprint is pointless if you’re trying to run a marathon. 

Leaders Hire Last
Leaders truly know that anyone can look like a rock star on paper. It is easy to dazzle in a dress, however it is far more difficult to get out on the dance floor. “Don’t tell me, show me,” is what a real leader would say. Quality will beat qualifications every single time. 

 Leaders Sweat Last
“Work smarter, not harder”

This however doesn't mean hard work gets thrown out the window, Leaders work both hard and smart. They always push for more, more productivity, more efficiency. This by no means is them shying away from hard work, it is smart work. Leaders also know how to maximize their strengths and outsource their weaknesses. 

Leaders get off the Ship Last 
It is an unspoken, but sometimes broken rule; the captain is the last to leave a ship. The most tragic ship wrecks are those of which the captain is the first to abandon his crew. A leader does not step into a role without accepting the responsibilities, they know every decision they make affects many lives, if they steer one way, the entirety of the ship is also going that way. 

“With great power comes great responsibility.”